I ain"t no dumb blonde,I ain"t no stupid Barbie doll(姐可不是什么花瓶女,姐可不是什么愚蠢的芭比娃娃)
I got my game on,Watch me watch me watch me prove you wrong(姐的秀场开始了,好好看着姐的实力证明你的愚蠢至极)
Well there you go again tellin" me where I belong(你又来告诉姐说要看清自己的位置)
You put me on the bench don"t think that I can play strong(给姐坐冷板凳还觉得姐会一蹶不振)
So quick to condescend well you think I"m empty I"m not(这么快来秀优越感好你还觉得姐空如花瓶拜托姐有料得很)
You won"t be so confident when I"m crushin" you from the top Oh(当姐把你吊打的时候你就不