hurt myself today(我今日又再度尝试自我伤害)
to see if I still feel(为了确认我感知犹在)
I focus on the pain(集中精力感受伤痛)
the only thing that"s real(这是我仅存的真实)
the needle tears a hole(针刺般的痛蜇)
the old familiar sting(仿佛旧日的伤口)
try to kill it all away(我试着驱逐这一切)
but I remember everything(又依然将全部铭记于心)
what have I become?(什么又是我本来的相貌?)
my sweetest friend(我最亲爱的朋友)
everyone I know(而我熟知的一切)
goes away in the en