Living easy(从容安乐地生活)
Loving free(无拘无束爱自由)
Season ticket for a one way ride(拿上单程票一去不复返)
Asking nothing(问你妈)
Leave me be(给爷爬)
Taken everything in my stride(我边大步流星地走边随手带走每一片云彩)
Don"t need reason(无需理由)
Don"t need rhyme(无需押韵)
Ain"t nothin I would rather do(无事我愿)
Going down(不断前行)
By the time(此刻是派对狂欢时间)
My friends are gonna be there too eh(我友也将准时到点)
I"m on a highway to hell(飞跃于地狱之路)
On the highway to hell(奔驰于地狱之路)